Doors and Keys -Openings and Light Genesis Verse 1
There are doors and there are keys. Consciousness opens up to the right kind of question offering an inner mindscape where we come to more doors to be opened. When Moses is asked what shall I call thee by HaShem the answer given is I am that I Am. Here is the universal key which may open every door. The trick is knowing when to use this key. The I am key is a time dimensional key. Where we see ourselves in mind determines the effectiveness of our use of this key. We need to have the ability to transcend time and space in order to access the blocks that bar our way within. The meaning of this is that when we can see truly see beyond our own doubts we can then enter into the land of what we are becoming.
Imagine then that there are a series of doors which bring you ever closer to your heart's desire. Assume too that this series of doors is not endless and that each time you open another doorway you are half way there. Let go and suddenly you are there. Yes it happens just that fast. One moment you're opening doors the next you are admiring the view from your new vantage point. Remember vantage point from Bahir verse 95. There it was spoken of as the advantage. It is the place of the chosen one. What is the chosen one? It is the thought or desire you have chosen to be your own and to inspire the direction in life that you are taking.
Each time I think about opening a door corresponding the door appears and asks me for my key which I just happen to carry in terms of the questions I am asking. Then in response to my question the door is fitted with the key. A slight turn and the answers are revealed in light. It is this slight turn that in all cases must be perfected. It is an inwards turn and then an opening into vast mindscape of creative possibilities. In there are the idea-forms of your heart's desire. The question then (the key to the next door) is how do we take these idea-forms and translate them into the land-forms of our experience. The first thing that comes to mind is to build within a channel of unfoldment. This channel of unfoldment will take the specific idea-form and expand upon it until it reaches the land mass of manifestation. The budding gestation of these idea-forms present themselves frequently for insertion into this funnel like channel of manifestation. The top of this funnel is narrow where the idea-forms enter by their self proclaimed specific nature. Once collected in this manner they descend by their own motive force. The energy is provided along the way by the supporting thoughts which go along with the central focus of the idea-form. As soon as it enters the circuit of manifestation it draws to itself all the materials both spiritual and material that it needs to accomplish its exact imaging of the theoretical with the actual. What this means in large part is that the entire universe is mapped in a nexus of outward probing causing a synthesis of the reality we place in front of us each day. This synthesis accepts change as a matter of course. It incorporates whatever changes need to take place to work out the details of the idea-forms manifestation. In addition the idea-form true to life's purpose establishes itself and then sends out identical shoots in the form of inspirations that will correlate with both all ensuing idea-forms (backwards compatibility) and permutations of the original idea-form so that growth and reproduction may take place to increase the base that once established continues in its expansion.
Another way or method for promoting the image that is being reflected from above is see the image there accepting it into being. Read the first part of Genesis for detailed instructions on how to accomplish this. Read it as though it were a training manual for manifestation. Understand the letters and the phrases in both their complexity and simplicity.
Idea-form: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth We have the paradigm for imagination filled with intention. Beth, Resh, Aleph, Shin, Yud Tav. ty#@rb Each letter suggests a progression of meaning. Taken as numbers in sequence Beth=2, Resh = 200, Shin = 300 , Aleph = 1, Yud = 10, Tav = 400. Therefore we have 2-200-300-1-10-400. The intention-container Beth raised to its immediate fulfillment as Resh whereby the unity of understanding occurs in Aleph, the One, the signal point of expression sharing the middle of creation with Shin. Shin the fire of creation, the light that surpasses itself by feeding upon itself and then ultimately realizing itself. This leads to the One. The unity of expression. The innate understanding that everywhere we go we are the center of awareness for the multidimensional universes we pass through and abide in. At this point in understanding and then yes in creation the One is raised to Infinity expressed as the progression of One seen in the Yud which now having experience also contains the wisdom of this experience able to see from afar and make the choices which lead to Tav, the completion of one idea-form realized including all of its logical subsidiary extensions.
Everything proceeds from this one word and indeed even from the letter Beth. This original intention shapes the void that follows with the light of inspiration which now brings about all future revelation. From one revelation all revelations proceed including the revelation that is God as the speaker or voice or these creations which continue nonstop. The Elohim or male female creative force can only repeat and give voice to what is taking place within the first word Bereshith. It does this by filling the Bara or the creative word with the force of creative intention. This intention transforms into the word of creation. In fact Bereshith gives essence to Elohim through Bara by saying first consider Creation and all of its aspects. Then out of this consideration and understanding continue the process and multiply the word. Just as Resh multiplies Beth by one hundred so too Bara multiplies Bereshith by the word or God Intention which now acts as a unifying force of creation acting from a single intention. This intention as we see is realized when man and woman are formed. Take from this allegory the plans for your own part in creation. First consider the Creation as a unitary event in which you are a central being. Then by imitating or reproducing that Creation you speak the word of God which echoes as thought within to voice your intention for experiencing the unity of what you think about and what you witness as a result of this meditation.
What is there to be created? This first verse goes on to say the Heaven and the Earth. Yes before we can embark upon the expansion of consciousness we literally need to envision what we seek to find and then be prepared for the realization of our quest. There is the place where you receive your inspirations from, the Archetypal or the Imaged Ideal and then there is the place where your inspirations appear reflected into the world of manifestation. These two, the Imaged Ideal and the Reflected Manifestation are unified forever and represent the unity of One spoken about previously. Their unity is both theoretical and experiential. What we can conceive that we shall receive.
In conjunction with our study of the Bahir we will also consider these opening verses in Genesis and relate them to each other on occasion via the mystery of unity which connects all of these sacred letters all of the time.
Imagine then that there are a series of doors which bring you ever closer to your heart's desire. Assume too that this series of doors is not endless and that each time you open another doorway you are half way there. Let go and suddenly you are there. Yes it happens just that fast. One moment you're opening doors the next you are admiring the view from your new vantage point. Remember vantage point from Bahir verse 95. There it was spoken of as the advantage. It is the place of the chosen one. What is the chosen one? It is the thought or desire you have chosen to be your own and to inspire the direction in life that you are taking.
Each time I think about opening a door corresponding the door appears and asks me for my key which I just happen to carry in terms of the questions I am asking. Then in response to my question the door is fitted with the key. A slight turn and the answers are revealed in light. It is this slight turn that in all cases must be perfected. It is an inwards turn and then an opening into vast mindscape of creative possibilities. In there are the idea-forms of your heart's desire. The question then (the key to the next door) is how do we take these idea-forms and translate them into the land-forms of our experience. The first thing that comes to mind is to build within a channel of unfoldment. This channel of unfoldment will take the specific idea-form and expand upon it until it reaches the land mass of manifestation. The budding gestation of these idea-forms present themselves frequently for insertion into this funnel like channel of manifestation. The top of this funnel is narrow where the idea-forms enter by their self proclaimed specific nature. Once collected in this manner they descend by their own motive force. The energy is provided along the way by the supporting thoughts which go along with the central focus of the idea-form. As soon as it enters the circuit of manifestation it draws to itself all the materials both spiritual and material that it needs to accomplish its exact imaging of the theoretical with the actual. What this means in large part is that the entire universe is mapped in a nexus of outward probing causing a synthesis of the reality we place in front of us each day. This synthesis accepts change as a matter of course. It incorporates whatever changes need to take place to work out the details of the idea-forms manifestation. In addition the idea-form true to life's purpose establishes itself and then sends out identical shoots in the form of inspirations that will correlate with both all ensuing idea-forms (backwards compatibility) and permutations of the original idea-form so that growth and reproduction may take place to increase the base that once established continues in its expansion.
Another way or method for promoting the image that is being reflected from above is see the image there accepting it into being. Read the first part of Genesis for detailed instructions on how to accomplish this. Read it as though it were a training manual for manifestation. Understand the letters and the phrases in both their complexity and simplicity.
Idea-form: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth We have the paradigm for imagination filled with intention. Beth, Resh, Aleph, Shin, Yud Tav. ty#@rb Each letter suggests a progression of meaning. Taken as numbers in sequence Beth=2, Resh = 200, Shin = 300 , Aleph = 1, Yud = 10, Tav = 400. Therefore we have 2-200-300-1-10-400. The intention-container Beth raised to its immediate fulfillment as Resh whereby the unity of understanding occurs in Aleph, the One, the signal point of expression sharing the middle of creation with Shin. Shin the fire of creation, the light that surpasses itself by feeding upon itself and then ultimately realizing itself. This leads to the One. The unity of expression. The innate understanding that everywhere we go we are the center of awareness for the multidimensional universes we pass through and abide in. At this point in understanding and then yes in creation the One is raised to Infinity expressed as the progression of One seen in the Yud which now having experience also contains the wisdom of this experience able to see from afar and make the choices which lead to Tav, the completion of one idea-form realized including all of its logical subsidiary extensions.
Everything proceeds from this one word and indeed even from the letter Beth. This original intention shapes the void that follows with the light of inspiration which now brings about all future revelation. From one revelation all revelations proceed including the revelation that is God as the speaker or voice or these creations which continue nonstop. The Elohim or male female creative force can only repeat and give voice to what is taking place within the first word Bereshith. It does this by filling the Bara or the creative word with the force of creative intention. This intention transforms into the word of creation. In fact Bereshith gives essence to Elohim through Bara by saying first consider Creation and all of its aspects. Then out of this consideration and understanding continue the process and multiply the word. Just as Resh multiplies Beth by one hundred so too Bara multiplies Bereshith by the word or God Intention which now acts as a unifying force of creation acting from a single intention. This intention as we see is realized when man and woman are formed. Take from this allegory the plans for your own part in creation. First consider the Creation as a unitary event in which you are a central being. Then by imitating or reproducing that Creation you speak the word of God which echoes as thought within to voice your intention for experiencing the unity of what you think about and what you witness as a result of this meditation.
What is there to be created? This first verse goes on to say the Heaven and the Earth. Yes before we can embark upon the expansion of consciousness we literally need to envision what we seek to find and then be prepared for the realization of our quest. There is the place where you receive your inspirations from, the Archetypal or the Imaged Ideal and then there is the place where your inspirations appear reflected into the world of manifestation. These two, the Imaged Ideal and the Reflected Manifestation are unified forever and represent the unity of One spoken about previously. Their unity is both theoretical and experiential. What we can conceive that we shall receive.
In conjunction with our study of the Bahir we will also consider these opening verses in Genesis and relate them to each other on occasion via the mystery of unity which connects all of these sacred letters all of the time.