Thursday, November 06, 2003

It is always important to keep your mind open for every opportunity for connection. It is in keeping with this idea that my quest for how things work has taken steps to fulfill that inner longing for connection which we all experience. Rays of light shine forth from so many areas of mystery. Yoga, Tibetan Yoga, Tarot, Carlos Casteneda, New Thought, Science of Mind, A Course In Miracles, Christianity, Emma Hopkins, Science Fiction are a few of the areas of light that have revealed the mystery along the way. The key, or one of these studies, is always reducing the complex into the simple terms that we live our everyday lives with.
What Kabbalah and Torah-Zohar have provided is a gateway into every higher understanding. By touching these thoughts, other pathways in mind are entered into providing new insights everyday. It is to these new insights that the spirit of Kabbalah, the spirit of receiving the light for the purpose of sharing the light, speaks to and where we can go each day in order to mine the fields of awareness.
Where you think depends on how you think. Traditional Halacha is passed down and yes is rigid in its interpretations and narrow fields of discussions. However we must be grateful for these traditions for they form the basis for all of our subsequent discoveries. Some ideas are timeless while others lose their relevance in time. It is to the timeless that the Kavannah of Kabbalah is leading us always for more. A thought is a vibration and these vibrations have sympathetic correspondents, some of which are seen and others yet to be discovered. It is like that with Torah. The standard kind of passed down revelations form the bottom of the chord, while the upper regions of harmony come into play bursting with melodic intensity suffusing us with the joy of their being. It reminds me of Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tsevaot Mlo Kol HaAretz Kvodo ....(Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory) Here the angels are singing praises to the creator. We see the words of these praises but the vibrations ring forth in harmonies. Thoughts are suggested. Something from nothing occurs everytime we listen within. Each thought a moment ago could not be heard. Through listening attentively and with faith we uncover and experience the thoughts of creation. As we do so we learn how things work. There is no end. This simply continues. Expect each day to be filled with discovery. It will you know regardless of any narrow focus that may be occuring at the time.
What we can take heart in terms of modern Judaism is that the Rav Berg and his family and inner circle are breaking free of this narrow field of focus. It is a tough road to be sure. Centuries of tradition stand in the way yet fittingly it is through Torah and the vibrations that it inspires that all of these new discoveries are taking place. Listen closely, beware the ego's limitations both in yourself, (myself) and any dogma that leaves you flat and does not encourage you to fly.
It is therefore the freedom of thought coupled with the intention of sharing which Kabbalah has at its roots of being. The Midrash is that every new interpretation of Torah opens up many new worlds above. It really is true. Think of how you feel when you experience these moments of enlightenment. You open up above. You become a part of, or connected to a higher theme, a more encompassing reality. It is to this higher more encompassing reality that we move into each day taking part in Creation truly in every step we let go of and allow ourselves to be guided by the Intention of Kabbalah.


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