Thursday, November 27, 2003

Today we will walk the pattern together. It is the same pattern revealed in the Torah and follows the first commandment to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and might. It is the same pattern Enoch walked as he was taken into heaven. Similarly with Elijah. The pattern is taken from the 72 names of God and represents a meditational response to awareness that must occur as a result of these steps that are taken. Daily the pattern is walked in times of need and times of peace. We cannot be too well versed in the pattern as it becomes a line of spiritual awakening each time it is walked leading to the appearance of everything, leaving nothing out and sparing no measure of abundance into the demonstration of thought and the forms that must follow:

whw It is the beginning that I return to and experience all potential from the timelessness that is here.

yly Because of this complete renewal all around me I recover the truth from every misunderstanding.

+ys The natural state in which I live is hereby restored. The miraculous is become the familiar.

Ml( Every thought that is not of this pattern I let go completely as they dissipate into the nothingness from which they never were.

#hm In mind, body and soul perfection issues forth. There is no unease or disease in any part of who I am or in those around me.

hllNow in the awareness of reality I set forth each direction I take moving anywhere my thought chooses as I am forever in the will of my maker giving forth that which is always good.

)k) In the essence of my being, down to the most minute part of my understanding, the fabric of my being is empowered within the divine to move within the Garden seeing the blessings all around.

thk No thoughts of doubt or unpleasantness come near. Before they do their energy is changed into the supporting awareness of the beyond.

yzh All around me are those angels of awareness repeating their support and suffusing my being with their beneficent energy.

dl) I am kept on track inside of the pattern. No thoughts which attract outside of the pattern can veer me from myself, whether they originate internally or externally. I am focused on that which is good.

w)l Acting from within the center of my awareness and firmly established within the pattern all negative flows are cancelled, their substance dissipated, their attraction made null.

(hh I experience in my being the pouring forth of love which then radiates outwards sharing its essence with everyone I am put into contact with.

lzy Perfection is all around me. I lack for nothing. Complete extension and fulfillment are my experience. Every thing works out according to heavenly will. I am at peace.

hbm There is no struggle within as I accept the holy name upon myself and walk forever in its ways.

yrh I know what it is I must do taking into account everything that is to be and seeing that it is all good.

mqh The wisdom of my being is firmly established. No untoward thoughts can ever enter here.

w)l I rise above every level of confusion and operate within with a sense of leaving behind that which had held me back. No longer will these attractions tempt me.

ylk Every thought now is fulfilled in the sureness of promise. It is as I have spoken and is as I have heard.

wwl My connection is constant. I reach up and I am answered. In everything I see the divine will.

lhp I resist all negative attractions especially those of a repetitive nature. I will not succumb to behavior which is negative and promotes inertia. Always I am proactive.

Kln Through my thinking and positive energy my awareness becomes a focal point for eliminating all fields of illusion that attract in body, mind and soul.

yyy I am always connected. I attract the right people and situations to fulfill every good thing that I am thinking. All is in line with the best for all. My help is from heaven.

hlm My life is filled with opportunities to share in every situation. By inspiration are others encouraged through my music and my art and my philosophy.

whx I am never envious of other and do rejoice in the abundance of all. Everyone’s good is my good.

htn I always have the right words to say. My connection to I am is clear.

))h All appearances I resolve into the Divine will. Everything is clear and perfect no matter what it might otherwise seem. It is the resolution through transformation.

try I am never alone. My inner of wisdom accompanies me. Besides me are the divine ones guiding me and helping me in everything.

h)# With me on all of my journeys is a part of me never separated from me. It is my perfect person to be with at all times and places and situations.

yyr I remove all doubts and reactions of the ego as I am practicing “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Mw) I will see the light in each situation and know the good that is there. It will take me from misunderstanding to a deep inner knowing every time.

bkl All of my actions are designed for completion. I am not distracted and I can see through to the end every purpose that is from I am.

r#w Everything is born anew including any memories I have which are of the ego. My life is cleared of all obstacles past present and future.

wxy I reveal those places in my consciousness that have remained hidden. I no longer cover anything up but allow every good thing to be up front in my life. No more wasted energy.

xhl I act from the center of my being. The ego does not hold any sway on me. My actions are sharing and proactive.

qwk The energy of transformation run through me from head to toe. Inside of the connection all is one.

dnm Today is a day when all possibilities exist. Nothing can take away from the spontaneous nature of now. Connection is inherent in the very air I breathe.

yn) I am that of which I have been seeking. Two have become one. Absolute unity. I see everything in totality as the connection flows in and through all.

M(h It is in the flow of this being that I am. Now at every level my being soars through back and out again to begin anew another level of transformation.

(hr The hidden potential I see in everything. Suddenly everything becomes clear as it is in the brilliance of the reflected light of connection.

zyy Through the connection my thoughts are ordered reaching the right conclusion and allowing my mind to maintain the connection to truth in all I say.

hhh I have complete confidence that I am in the right place at the right time. I am the connection as it flows from moment to moment.

kym The appearance of the world to come is just as clear to me as the here and now. It is like going from one moving platform to another without missing a step or crossing any apparent interface. Smooth transitions all the way open up the way for us.

lww The focus undergoes a subtle shift. I am lifted up out of the current reality and I become a part of the projected reality that is the fulfillment of thought along the line of connection. It is attention raised to manifestation.

hly The slate is wiped clean. All thought atmospheres are cleansed of any negativity and transformed into vehicles for connection. Even the darkest thoughts now revolve in unity for the divine will in concert with the unity of the beloved.

l)s Every avenue is open to us for the inflow of abundance. Money passes through us in its transformation into form, on it way to becoming energy for the increase of connectivity.

yr( It is good. All my thoughts and actions are in harmony with I am. I know what I seek and know what I find. It is one.

l#( Into each world that is revealed through transformation of consciousness the sense of I am remains. All things revolve around this connection.

hym We are at the perfect place and in the perfect time. All is one. It all makes sense everyway you look at it. From above to below and back again we are one.

whw We are light in extension the visible results of which are internal and external joy overflowing through us and into everyone around us. It is complete and well and very good.

dny Always there is something more. There is no end to the inflow of the creator’s sharing goodness. As we experience thy beneficence it flows in again filling us with fulfillment, excitement and constant wonder at all the good things we are to experience.

#xh Our actions are complete. There is no second guessing. No residue of regret. Nothing can cause us to travel in the merry-go-round of the ego way.

Mm( We are filled with energy of emotion which propels our ideas to the highest reaches of the universe in fulfillment of our destiny.

)nn In the moment are all of our actions. We do not hold on to any darkness. Our affairs are smoothly accomplished and do not require any thoughts of the ego to fulfill.

tyn There is no end to this journey. We continue on as we have been, growing, sharing and facing each adventure with anticipation. Death recedes until it is gone.

hbm I see the completing of the plan. I experience all the steps in between. I am the fulfillment of each desire. The manifestation of every thought come true.

ywp My reactions is conscious. I do not let the ego determine the flow of the events of my consciousness. All control is of I am and for the purpose of sharing.

Mmn Always listen to thy inner voice. Know it well and distinguish it from the ego. Nourish this voice with your undivided attention. Act always from the level of this voice.

lyy Allow yourself to be carried by the higher wisdom into the places of infinite understanding. There you soar as meanings speak to each other in voices true and lasting. Remember this feeling and return to it when you are feeling weighed down.

xrh You are always connected to I am. This connection is eternal and once you experience it you will continue along the flow of its energy. It is to one and from one that you are connected.

rcm There you are in boundless glory reaching for the stars unfettered by anything, your thoughts free and connected. The universe is yours to have and to hold.

bmw Infinity speaks from your voice as you flow from lifetime to lifetime growing always in understanding and now achieving complete recall you are timeless and immortal.

hhy Listen for each moment in which to reaffirm the way of sharing. Be ready to absorb the teachings along the way from everywhere even the most unlikely places.

wn( I am thankful for the incredible expansion of consciousness that is continually occurring and for the divine will in which I live, move and have my being.

yxm As I look out on the world I see through the eyes of I am and everything is transformed into the world of the Garden of Eden reality.

bmd There all around me is the expression of sharing which flows through me and is a part of me. It is the Infinite, the Divine, the Ain Soph Aur, it is all of these and so much more.

qnm I am aware that all of my actions are but part of the larger picture that I see in response to those actions. I act accordingly to promote always sharing and the good reports that I see around me every moment.

(y) Time is not. Each moment the fulfillment of awareness comes through. By providing the mold of awareness and substance of the Shekinah, the pattern is filled.

wbx Everything that ever was or will be is here now. Help comes from every quarter as all is one. There is no death.

h)r A complete healing of every opportunity missed. After all it was just an illusion anyway. What is real comes forth now and is never lost. The vision makes it real, the connection shines a light on every good thing.

Mby Underneath it all the pattern becomes awakened. Appearances resolves into truth.

yyh In every world I am present. I move between worlds improving upon each moment with the connection of I am. Therefore the miraculous becomes the commonplace.

Mwm My thoughts are clear, my mind smooth. The movement is still and yet always present. Every uncertainty is resolved.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Victory Over AddictionsKnow that you can be wherever you want to by just be determining your exact place in time.
Accomplish for yourself the concentration of the moment.
Reveal what is hidden and then empower your thoughts.
It is by active thinking that awareness develops.

Silent partner
HaShem is there pouring out love in every situation eternally.
Be confident in the acceptance of that love which is always there.
Let yourself go where that love leads you in every certain place and time.
Feel the wonder of connection as you embrace it all within everything.

Friday, November 21, 2003

What could there be but everything?
What other way but whichever way I choose?
I see that within of which I am ever a part of.
It moves and lives within the being I am.
I let go completely and am carried along by the wings of love.

Thy Will ever and purposefully one.

My steps are sure, my faith unbroken, my thoughts they lift me up.
In Heaven's way my path is clear.
Perfect action always follows me wherever I am.
I've looked into the eyes of the unknown and come away with Creations love.

Now I bring forth thy Will.

Divine Inspiration fulfills my purpose.
Each moment is there especially for me.
I see the pattern awakened in my life in all the beauty of expression all around me.
I know myself within and without.

I am the movement within the flow.

Every thought of love is overflowing in me right now.
I spend my time within the Divine.
As I let go of attachments to the ego--I am filled with overflowing inspirations. They soar.

I am continually awakened in the ever growing light.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Enough is never Enough

Everything that you are exists throughout all space and time.

There cannot be any lack whatsover in your life.

It pours forth and overflows from within.

See with the eye of one purpose revealed and glorious in every way.

Forget time and waiting and be open to receiving all thy good moment by moment.

Financial Supply

It is always available.

Accept your good completely without reservation.

Cultivate gratitude.
Before your need is even awakened your fulfillment comes due.

Thought Into Action

No effort at all is required. This is a natural outcome.

Stay out of your own way. Release.

Watch Creation as it is meant to be.

It comes upon you and then is revealed before you.


They are the natural order of being.

They are always present in every situation.

There is no order of difficulty concerning them

You need be neither high nor low to accomplish them and see them.

They come from what already is.

They will always be.


Establish your unity with one. Everything that comes after is then seen from this perspective.

The most important lesson we ever learn is to let go within. Then every vantage point is clear. All obstructions disappear

It is an act of perfect awareness that recognizes that only the creator is operating throughout every event.

Nothing can keep you from that which you already are

Act as though you are already there. You are. It's that simple.

Parallel Worlds

The doorways are all around you. Inside of you. Here. Over there. In front of you.

You may notice a slight shimmering as one world gives way to another. Usually the process is quite seamless.

It all happens in the blink, blink of the eyes. In fact these eye blinks are carrier waves for the resident awareness.

The time of filling can be disconcerting but true attention allows for complete extension of every ability to see clearly.

Look. It's going to change anyway. You might as well direct it's flow by becoming a part of this flow endlessly coursing downstream.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Make your entry a way into heaven complete.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Illusion is the hardest to let go of. It is at the heart of the ego. It is so pervasive that it can even interweave itself into much of the spirituality today under the guise of something else. It is truly miraculous that we can even conceive of a way out and a better world. Such is the ego's, or the desire to receive for the self alone, power to rule our lives in this world. This all pervasive ego for all of its power and influence can be dismissed completely in a moment's realization. This happens all the time. Everyone of us has the ability to dismiss the ego by identifying with what Rabbi Yehuda Berg calls the 99 percent world. This must be however a continuing process. Getting there and catching a glimpse is not the purpose. The purpose is getting there and continuing there. The more adept we become in this process of letting go of illusion and living fully our lives within the reality of being, the more miraculous and amazing the life that fills us becomes. When this occurs or simultaneously with the occurence of the identification of the 99 percent world, our perception and very relationship of our being to everything changes. Harmony results bringing about a truly other world. The fluid arrangements our minds are capable of allow us to enter into and keep going into this world to come.

Each step I make changes my mind.
Around my soul I envision the eternal self.
Looking through all to become all.
Keeping every opportunity for connection a viable source, a river that is ever flowing.

Illusion does indeed have its innate purpose.
Acting as signposts to the forms our awareness takes in each moment.
Steadily moving forward into the world to come.
One moment we're here, and the next there.

It all happens in between the blinking of the eyes.
In fact within these eye blinks are carriers waves of all the worlds.
Is it not true that when we are dreaming our REM's cascade in dreams.
Now thinking we are awake illusion proves life is not as it seems.

Recognize the tempter who is not pointing towards you accusingly.
The tempter shows the way as a negative in film reveals the true picture.
This much however we must let go of.
Guilt, feeling bad about ourselves, anger, shame, bread of shame, every feeling that would beat us down.

Our birthright from time immemorial.

To be as a clear channel expressing light in thought, word and deed.
Yes it was good. Exceedingly good.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

The consequence of rejecting God as you say is that in any moment that you have convinced yourself that God is not present, you are not living your life to its fullest. The example given is that we are constantly being offered a banquet of the finest foods and we say, "Nah, a Big Mac and fries to go," or we starve ourselves.
The ego is nothing and has no power other than what we imagine it to be. Without our attention all of our pain would disappear. Without our choices all of our anger and fear would dissipate "as mists before the sun." What is weak is our ability to let go
The truth is that reality, life, the 99 percent is only experienced in each moment ever anew.
When we hold onto the past, or to grievances we cannot experience this moment. When we project guilt or accept guilt we cannot experience the moment. Now. That is here before you and continues to be in front of you until you stop holding on. Then now is here and never leaves your side.
You ask where does it end? It does not end. We, or it is eternal. There is no getting it and then its over. It isn't like climbing a mountain and reaching the top and reminiscing the rest of your days about being there. It is being there constantly. On the mountain. In the valleys. Standing along the seashore or holding your lovers hand walking softly on sun filled springlike day.
Awaken. Shed your skins, your klippot, your misunderstandings all. Let them go. Spend every moment doing so until this has become automatic and you become the observer and realize that you have been there all along.
It (God) is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Again. It is eternal. The past is an illusion placed there by the ego to keep you from the present, from experiencing now. From experiencing your good. It is eternal. It is eternally good. It doesn't get any better than that.
Everyone has enlightenment built in. It is a program that is always running. This program is the light ever present felt as love, activated by forgiveness. Someone said Christians cannot ever get enlightenment? Of course they are wrong. Every day Christians get enlightenment just the same as everyone else. If you listen carefully you'll hear the ego speaking and laugh.
The new Testament is a revealed teaching as are the 72 names. Each requires meditation to harvest the meanings. In every age the light shines. It is the same with both the new Testament and the 72 names. Each is an opportunity for inspiration and expansion of consciousness. Kabbalah defines what is happening during these opportunities. The truth in every form causes the mind to focus. When the mind focuses there is light or understanding. When we make the connection we experience what we have listened to. This experience is called Kabbalah.
What really matters in this life is right now. No other moment is that important. Your thoughts will stray into the future or past and be mesmerized by the ego's temptations, dangling anger, fear, and countless other shadows to take the place of what really matters. Get into now. Be there with an intensity that constantly builds. In this way moment by moment the realization of being is happening all around you. Keep at it. Constantly. Every moment. Every day.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

It is always important to keep your mind open for every opportunity for connection. It is in keeping with this idea that my quest for how things work has taken steps to fulfill that inner longing for connection which we all experience. Rays of light shine forth from so many areas of mystery. Yoga, Tibetan Yoga, Tarot, Carlos Casteneda, New Thought, Science of Mind, A Course In Miracles, Christianity, Emma Hopkins, Science Fiction are a few of the areas of light that have revealed the mystery along the way. The key, or one of these studies, is always reducing the complex into the simple terms that we live our everyday lives with.
What Kabbalah and Torah-Zohar have provided is a gateway into every higher understanding. By touching these thoughts, other pathways in mind are entered into providing new insights everyday. It is to these new insights that the spirit of Kabbalah, the spirit of receiving the light for the purpose of sharing the light, speaks to and where we can go each day in order to mine the fields of awareness.
Where you think depends on how you think. Traditional Halacha is passed down and yes is rigid in its interpretations and narrow fields of discussions. However we must be grateful for these traditions for they form the basis for all of our subsequent discoveries. Some ideas are timeless while others lose their relevance in time. It is to the timeless that the Kavannah of Kabbalah is leading us always for more. A thought is a vibration and these vibrations have sympathetic correspondents, some of which are seen and others yet to be discovered. It is like that with Torah. The standard kind of passed down revelations form the bottom of the chord, while the upper regions of harmony come into play bursting with melodic intensity suffusing us with the joy of their being. It reminds me of Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tsevaot Mlo Kol HaAretz Kvodo ....(Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory) Here the angels are singing praises to the creator. We see the words of these praises but the vibrations ring forth in harmonies. Thoughts are suggested. Something from nothing occurs everytime we listen within. Each thought a moment ago could not be heard. Through listening attentively and with faith we uncover and experience the thoughts of creation. As we do so we learn how things work. There is no end. This simply continues. Expect each day to be filled with discovery. It will you know regardless of any narrow focus that may be occuring at the time.
What we can take heart in terms of modern Judaism is that the Rav Berg and his family and inner circle are breaking free of this narrow field of focus. It is a tough road to be sure. Centuries of tradition stand in the way yet fittingly it is through Torah and the vibrations that it inspires that all of these new discoveries are taking place. Listen closely, beware the ego's limitations both in yourself, (myself) and any dogma that leaves you flat and does not encourage you to fly.
It is therefore the freedom of thought coupled with the intention of sharing which Kabbalah has at its roots of being. The Midrash is that every new interpretation of Torah opens up many new worlds above. It really is true. Think of how you feel when you experience these moments of enlightenment. You open up above. You become a part of, or connected to a higher theme, a more encompassing reality. It is to this higher more encompassing reality that we move into each day taking part in Creation truly in every step we let go of and allow ourselves to be guided by the Intention of Kabbalah.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

  • Blessed Art Thou Oh Lord who gives us the Torah and the Zohar everyday to contemplate thy wisdom and fill our lives with light and connection amongst all souls.

  • Blessed Art Thou Oh Lord, ruler on high, whose mercy is forever, and whose lovingkindness extends from heaven to heaven.

  • Blessed Art Thou, King of the Universe, maker of all thy will and wayshower to fill the minds of men with wisdoms plenty.

  • Blessed Art Thou, YHVH Elohim extending thy light everlastingly, teaching as thou art providing in all big things and every small detail the wonder and beauty of our lives.

  • Blessed Art Thou, Revealer of all, who blesses us with inspiration and shows the way for every soul to be connected to thy will.

  • Blessed Art Thou Oh Lord, who demonstrates thy being in each smile and the laughter sounds throughout the ages.

  • Blessed Art Thou, Mystery Infinite, in every hidden place, thou provides the light to understandings way.

  • Blessed Art Thou, Beauty Invisible, and Beauty Manifest, who guides my hands in the pursuit of thy perfect forms.

  • Blessed Art Thou, YHVH Adonai, keeper of my soul, restoring me to light every time by thy bountiful grace.
  • The question is: Is illusion real or suffering real. What does Kabbalah say about this?

  • First of all to clarify the term Kabbalah. It is not a religion with dogma. That is, it does not espouse a particular point of view from within itself. Those who study what is called Kabbalah, study the Zohar, Torah, Mishnah, etc in the pure sense of these works of Judaism. In the broader sense all forms of revelation are under the auspices of Kabbalah. This is because Kabbalah in itself means to receive and to receive in a very special manner, the light that is always being offered by our creator. Everyone one who responds here is taking part in this Kabbalah. No one can speak for or is the authority on Kabbalah. Such claims are ego oriented. However all of us can add to the openings which produce the light or the connection between ourselves. All of this is a preface to your answer so that you may understand this process and its incredible simplicity. You ask a question. The answer is always there. Consider that it is coming from within in response to your query. The only purpose that my answer reveals is our connection and the extension of light. With all that said, he we go.
    "Kabbalah" says change your mind, change the movie, live in the 99 percents world. This means that by our very own intention is the world around us formed and yes seen before our very eyes.
    Think of the caterpillar in the cocoon. One day he is crawling and then sometime later he finds himself flying. What changed? Everything. The perception within became that of a soaring flying creature even while he was crawling around eating the leaves in my garden. As he started thinking about this soaring lighter than air creature he would become, he gave up his crawling life and through the cocoon of his dreaming soaring soul was reborn into flight.
    As far as illusion and suffering is concerned, you are not the crawling limited creature but are entering into the cocoon of your awareness which steady and surely transforms you into the giving, loving, non-suffering being who awakens from their old life and into their new life.
    The cocoon symbolizes the web of positive thoughts you weave around yourself in order to transform your being. You continue this web until you break free and realize that all along you are this incredible free creature conscious in thought, willing in love and open to every opportunity to connect and share the light. Leave illusion and suffering behind in your life and your body and realize the truth about your being. You are that butterfly. Simply continue to grow and weave your web of transformation.

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